
Always in My Heart: A Workbook fo Grieving Children

“I keep Always in My Heart at my house so that when Toni visits she can express herself and we can talk about her writings.  She is on the low social spectrum of autism and sheloves to draw and write stories.  This book helps her to express her feelings. I just asked her input and she said, 'It helps me to get rid of sad feelings about Devonte.'”  -- Eileen

Always in My Heart: A Workbook for Grieving Children was written by Clementina M. Chéry, Mother of Louis David Brown and founder of the Peace Institute. This workbook is a resource designed to help children (pre-school through teens) navigating the journey of sudden and violent death. It may also be useful for young people grieving less violent losses;certain elements of grief are universal. Parents, teachers, clergy, counselors, and concerned friends and relatives all may find it valuable. The activities included in this workbook have been compiled over the years by Ms. Chéry to help her younger children cope with the loss of their brother. These activities can help children understand and express the many feelings and emotions, both good and bad, that come with grief. “They help us remember that we must be patient; children deal with the sudden and violent death of a loved one differently than adults do.” says Ms. Chery. 
 Always in My Heart: A Workbook for Grieving Children can be purchased at the Peace Institute for $10.95 or online at (search for “Always In My Heart”).